
mind is exploding.

i found a website today that is called:
Ideas And Activities For Pre-Scissor Skills And Scissor Practice
that just blew my mind.

some ideas from this site:
When playing with playdough, give the children garlic presses to make spaghetti. This will help strengthen their hands for scissor use.

During actual scissor practice, (i.e., cutting activities), encourage the children to cut with "thumbs up". The child should not be holding their thumb toward the floor while cutting.

At first, it may be hard for the child to maneuver both the paper and the scissors at the same time. Try helping them by holding their hand on the paper for them while they get scissor practice by snipping with the scissors. However, don't encourage them to use two hands to maneuver the scissors; this does not help them develop the appropriate skills.

please please please teach your children proper scissoring skills.


Unknown said...


yprototype said...

can i just say that although i don't stay up to date with everything on your blog, i love it's existence. and that you find all this stuff / info / inspiration for it.

and i miss and love you, dearly.
