
pink is for girls.

pinking shears. the mere words can cause me anxiety. working in fashion i have frequently had to use these specialized shears to cut fabric swatch after fabric swatch after fabric swatch. On a practical level, the shears create a zigzag cut that prevents fabric from unraveling. Often, if you don't have a serger you can cut the edges of fabric with pinking shears as another way to finish off garments. It is a little outdated, however, I have seen it done. The thing no one tells you about pinking shears is that they can be very independent of the hand using them. Often, mine seem to just veer off to any old side they choose to.

often pinking shears are used on a more decorative level to create a zigzag cut on paper for scrapbooking, invitations, or other crafty endeavors.


Virginia N.K. said...
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Virginia N.K. said...

Thanks for sharing, I have been trying to figure out what the zigzag scissors is called as I need one.