
don't hate the playa....

PAPER ROCK SCISSORS. The ultimate scissor related game. Whether played with a youngster or with someone to decide your fates this game is all chance. Oh, unless you want to take the time to read this OFFICIAL website of the WORLD RPS Society. There is a whole underground world of professional rock, paper, scissorers? This is really exciting!

i loved their profile of scissors:
"Scissors are a tool. As children, we use them to cut construction paper for craft projects. As adults, we may cut cloth for clothing or use scissors to open plastic packaging. Scissors are associated with industry, craft work, making things. There is still a certain amount of aggression associated with scissors; they are, after all, sharp and dangerous implements. Scissors, however, represent aggression that is controlled, contained, re-channeled into something constructive. In RPS, scissors are often perceived as a clever or crafty throw, a well-planned outflanking maneuver. As such, players are more likely to use scissors when they are confident or winning."

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