

for christmas last year i got a very lovely and thoughtful present which was this necklace.
they also have in gold.


collection. [repurposed]

The collection from below turned into a mobile.

kick kick boom.

The Olympics are happening and with the swimming events just finishing, i thought i might as well talk about the SCISSOR kick. For those of us who took swimming lessons as children you can remember that this is called the scissors kick because you move your legs in the motion of a scissor. This kick is commonly used in the side stroke. The legs make a scissor kick, in which the legs are held straight out, knees unbent, and swung back and forth in opposite directions (out of phase). The lower leg does the greater share of the work.
Just another friendly scissor reference by your enthusiast!

more sports posts soon.



EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. Need i say more? you are immediately jogging your mind for a fantastic screenshot of johnny depp with his delightfully awkward but yet completely fantastically practical scissor hands in this 1990 flick. An amazing homage to a wonderful tool Edward uses his gifts to shear hair, trees/shrubs, and hearts. I simply love the imagery and honestly the idea. how great would it be to have a scissor instead of an incisor? or a scissor instead of that pesky pinky finger? delight!

days of yore.

from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/44124324682@N01/

there are a lot of sites that deal with the history of scissors. i will be sampling tidbits from all of them throughout this process. today i will be pulling from the blurb written on wikipedia. [of course] It states: "It is most likely that scissors were invented in 1500 BC in ancient Egypt.These were probably shears with the joint at the end opposite the blades. Cross-bladed scissors were invented by the Romans around AD 100."

From "The Story of Scissors" by J. Wiss & Sons, 1948:
    "Egyptian bronze shears of the Third Century B.C., a unique object of art. Showing Greek influence although with decoration characteristic of Nile culture, the shears are illustrative of the high degree of craftsmanship which developed in the period following Alexander's conquest of Egypt. Decorative male and female figures, which complement each other on each blade, are formed by solid pieces of metal of a different color inlaid in the bronze shears."



from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reebob/

this just in....

the first town named scissors that I know of.....

Scissors, TX


the definition of scissors is stated by my friends over at dictionary.com as:
scis·sors [siz-erz] –noun
1.(used with a singular or plural verb) a cutting instrument for paper, cloth, etc., consisting of two blades, each having a ring-shaped handle, that are so pivoted together that their sharp edges work one against the other (often used with pair of).

Origin: 1350–1400; ME cisoures, sisoures cisoires *cīsōria, pl. of LL cīsōrium cutting tool (see chisel); current sp. by association with L scindere to cut (ptp. scīssus), ML scīssor tailor

this from the Online Etymology Dictionary

c.1384, sisoures, from O.Fr. cisoires (pl.) "shears," from V.L. *cisoria (pl.) "cutting instrument," from *cisus (in compounds such as L. excisus, pp. of excidere "to cutout"), ult. from L. cædere "to cut." In Scotland, shears answers for all sizes; but in England generally that word is used only for those too large to be worked by one hand. Spelling with sc- is 16c., from influence of M.L. scissor "tailor," from L. "carver, cutter," from pp. stem of scindere "to split." Sense in wrestling is from 1904. The verb scissor "to cur with scissors" is recorded from 1612; in the wrestling sense it is attested from 1968.